
"Being lonely doesn't mean something is wrong with me.

I can calmly experience loneliness
and learn to grow creatively from the
time with myself."


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Write, Write, Write

I’ve got to give credit to one of my favorite English teachers. She introduced me – and of course my class- to the joys of WUG.

No, WUG is not what you get when you cross a whale and a hog. It is not a new type of brush, eating utensil, or pen. Simply put, it means Writing Under the Gun. Basically, you put your pen on the paper and continuously write whatever pops into your mind. It’s a great exercise for anyone having that dreaded thing called ‘Writer’s Block’.

This is my first year participating in a writing adventure called NaNoWrMo – National Novel Writing Month. With as many stories as I have out in any format, you’d think I would have participated before this. Nope. It’s hard to get myself motivated enough to do anything extra in my life. Sometimes it takes me a year or more to take that giant step. Sometimes it all it takes is a horrible event making me feel out of control and wanting to change something.

Here’s a good example. A few years ago I had the Worst Boss Ever. And yet I think I owe her a bit of a thank you. I actually started publishing my work because I wanted to get away from her. She made me feel like I was three inches tall so I went fishing for something that would help me feel good about myself. Letting others read my stories was an outlet I had never really considered. Too many things held me back. Little things like ‘afraid I wasn’t good enough’ to ‘who would even want to read my thoughts, ideas and stories’? Sometimes we are our own worse critic.

So now I have decided to take that big step. And I’m glad I did. Not only did I deem myself worthy of joining the ranks of the elite writers, but I’m having fun doing it, too. I’ve made a few new friends and am exploring one of my hobbies. I’ve even managed to come quite a ways on the goal.

NaNoWrMo set the word count goal at 50,000 and so far I have a little over 20,000 words. (Impressive if I do say so myself.)

So, what does WUG have to do with NaNoWrMo? Easy. Sometimes my characters get into trouble and I have no idea how to get them out. Some of my more creative solutions are a product of WUG. Caleb versus the monster recliner (Halcyon’s Guardian) and Jasmine and the Puppet Master’s bet came out of one session. (Tangled Fury)

So wish me luck as I embark on this new chapter. NaNoWrMo here I come!
Keep smiling and happy reading

Inspirational song  for today: 
Rascal Flatts 
My wish for you

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