So, here it is the new year and I'm asking myself, "Where the heck did December go?"
For me, I would guess that it went by with out much notice because of all those graveyard shifts. Before you say something like eww and ack, just know that I chose those shifts. It was so bad during the day, I was literally getting nothing done. Between the phone calls and the "nice" people who were sure I was hiding shoes in my stock room, I was 'pulling out my hair'. I'm a detail type of person so it really bothers me when I can't get something done that I know needs to be done.
Oh well - it's all over now.
Or is it?
Something tells me that the season isn't quite over. Now that the gift giving is past, it's the season of gift returning and resolutions. What do these have in common? Not much, unless you work in retail. All those wonderful gifts of clothing coming back because they were the wrong size, tends to lead to people buying things like stationary bikes and elliptical machines. Oh, did I mention the running, walking and cross training shoes?
But enough about that. This post/blog is supposed to be about me, so I asked myself, what are my new year's resolutions. Yeah, right. Me? Make a new year's resolution? My very spirit cringes knowing how well I tend to keep those things. Ha, I say.
Instead of a resolution, which by its very nature is too lofty for me to attain, I decided to set up a series of small goals. Here's what I would like to do this year:
1. Revise and repost "Seryn's Tale." This was the first story I had as an ebook. It's also the pre-queal to Halcyon's Guardian.
2. get my health back on track. Now that I have a car, I find myself not walking as much. While I haven't gained any of the weight back, I know that horrible time weather-wise is still ahead and I would like to skip it.
3. Finish Halcyon's Wolf - book 2 Hopefully I can get this one published, too. Although nothing can compare to the feeling of getting my first book published, I bet number 2 will rate just as high on the happiness meter.
4. Make some friends. This might sound weird to anyone who actually knows me, but the friends I have I can count on one hand. While they might be dear to me, they all have their own lives. You try being single in a crowd of couples and see how lonely you are.
So there we are. These are my goals for 2015.
For those who do make resolutions, I wish you the best. Improving your live is a lofty goal and I applaud those you reach for it. For those you just wish to reach your goals, I wish you the best, as well.
So my wish for all of you out there in cyber land:
May 2015 be as good to you as 2014 was to me.
Happy Reading and Happy New Year.